artistes et dyslexie

preuilh CHRISTOPHE Par Le 18/05/2010 0

Workshop "Bases Neurales de la Créativité"

John Stein
"Dyslexia and Creativity"
Dept. Physiology, Anatomy & Genetics - Oxford University

Dyslexic reading problems may be due to mild impairment of the development of the magnocellular systems in the brain that mediate sequential analysis. In the competition for survival during development magnocellular weakness may allow parvocellular systems which are responsible for holistic processing to achieve superior connectivity. This could explain why dyslexics show superior holistic thinking skills, hence why they show exceptional creativity and predominate among artists, practical engineers and entrepreneurs.

Richard Levy
"Creativity in frontal-lobe dementia"
Neurologue Hôpital Saint-Antoine,

The prefrontal cortex (PFC) supports functions critical for creative thinking. Damage to the PFC is expected to impair creativity. Yet, previous works suggested the emergence of artistic talent in patients with frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD), which was interpreted as increased creativity. I will present the results of a study showing that patients with frontal variant (fv) of FTLD were strongly impaired in all dimensions of a standardized test of creativity, the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (TTCT) and that disinhibited and perseverative behaviors led to “pseudo-creative” responses. Further, poor creativity was positively correlated with several frontal tests. Eventually, poor creativity was associated with decreased frontal pole perfusion. In conclusion, the emergence of artistic talent in patients with fvFTLD is explained by the release of involuntary behaviors, rather than by the development of creative thinking.

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